Refreshing God's People

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Timothy Henderson

Campus Support Supervisor

In 2009, Timothy gave his life to the Lord. Shortly after becoming a Christian, he moved to Hawai'i and attended the Youth With A Mission Discipleship Training School for a year, which gave him the opportunity to live in Israel for three months. In the Spring of 2011, Pastor Brian Brodersen sponsored Timothy to attend Calvary Chapel Bible College for two years, from which he graduated in 2013. He went on to intern under Pastor Rod Thompson, director of MHS, and is grateful to serve the conference center as the Security Supervisor.

Trevor Johnson

Landscape Supervisor

Oldest of seven from Arizona, Trevor's life changed when he came to Bible College in 2012, as it was at that point when he began to truly live for the Lord. Working and traveling was his only foreseeable future, until he went on a missions trip to New York where he met his wife, Kelsey. They hope to glorify God as Kelsey helps create God-ordained families at her adoption agency and Trevor serves to create an oasis for refreshment for all of God’s saints through his job as the Landscaping Supervisor.

Eliza Henderson

Admin Support

Eliza grew up in Ohio and is one of 9 children. She came to the Lord in her late teens, and after high school served at a Word of Life in Brazil for two months. Shortly after, she discovered Calvary Chapel Bible College. After graduating with an associates degree in 2016, she went on staff at MHS and worked in the bakery for two years before moving into the administration department. Eliza met her husband while attending bible college and has been married since December 2017. In her spare time you can find her at the beach with a good cup of coffee, reading, or hanging out in her favorite city- Santa Barbara.