

Our Gallery

Murrieta Hot Springs

  • 1844 - 1873
  • 1883 - 1887
  • 1903
  • 1904
  • 1904
  • 1904
  • 1904
  • 1908
  • 1909 - 1912
  • 1911
  • 1912
  • 1920
  • 1920
  • 1926
  • 1928
  • 1932
  • 1933
  • 1939 - 1950
  • 1963
  • 1970 - 1987
  • 1991 - 1995
  • 1997 - 2018
  • 1844 - 1873

    • 1844 - Mexican Government awarded Temecula Rancho to Felix Valdez
    • 1848 - Fritz Gunther born Christmas day, in Magdeburg Germany, he had a brother and two sisters
    • 1852 - Louis Vignes purchases Temecula Rancho
    • 1870 - Gunther brothers left Germany for US
    • 1873 - Juan Murrieta, Francisco Zanjurjo, Domingo Pujol purchases from Louis Vignes
  • 1883 - 1887

    • 1883 - Moses Perin purchases from Juan Murrieta
    • 1884 - Murrieta sold 14,000 acres to a syndicate which laid out townsite called Murrieta after Don Juan. He retained 1,000 acres for his own syndicate changed the name of Temecula hot springs to Murrieta Hot Springs
    • 1885 - In January, train service was reestablished through the valley, connecting San Diego with San Bernardino
    • 1887 - Pasadena Syndicate purchases from Moses Perin
  • 1903

    • 1903 - Mineral Mud Bath House: built in 1903, construction material in foreground. Windmill stood proudly next to building proiving fresh, sweet water to a well
  • 1904

    • 1904 - Mineral Water Bath House
  • 1904

    • 1904 - Cripple Creek: 1904, when guests first soaked themselves they shaded themselves with blankets thrown over a fence.
  • 1904

    • 1904 - Monterey Hotel Completion: Running water and a toilet for each room
  • 1904

    • 1904 - Arriving by train: Fritz Guenther met visitors from LA at the Sante Fe train station in Murrieta twice a day and transported them in his open Reliance bus,
  • 1908

    • 1908 - California Hotel Completion: California Hotel was built to keep up with the demand of the ever increasing popularity of the hot springs. Each Room was equipped with steam heat and modern conveniences of a first-class resort
  • 1909 - 1912

    • 1909 - 1912 - Guenther's Volunteer Fire Department: MHS had it's own fire department due to the fact that no other town was close enough, but thankfully never had to be used
    • 1911 - The Los Angeles Angels came to train at the facility for several months
  • 1911

    • 1911 - Mud Bath House: this was advertised as a place where the people could leave all of their ailments in teh mud. many new buildings had been added, attendants catered to guests, and over the next several decades, the resort became famous. Physicians, including a Dr Mudd., resided on-site and were availble to guests
  • 1912

    • 1912 - Memorial Hall Built: Dance hall, also called Memorial hall. Was dedicated to the memory of fritz guenther who had recently died rudy, florence and their two daughters murrieta and dorothy ann stayed in the apartment upstairs. the apartment once served as a projector room for the converted dance hall that was converted to a theater. coffee shop now to teh right
  • 1920

    • 1920 - Conventional Plan of Resort: Plan was done by an insurance company which was done before destruction of the orignal hotel
  • 1920

    • 1920 - Original hotel demolished
    • 1920 - Alcohol was discreetly served in a “Blind Pig” our basement room with slot machines. Later became a snack shop and soda fountain
    • 1920 - The Origin of the Bookstore: the bookstore was once the amusement auditorium. It was constructed in 1920 and used at the clubhouse for the mini golf course. In the late 1950's it was made a coffee shop and a recreation room in the 1960's
  • 1926

    • 1926 - Annex Hotel Completion; March 26: Built in attempt to bring MHS into 20th Century
  • 1928

    • 1928 - New & Modern Mineral Bathouse Open: new mineral bath house (maranatha) opened in 1928, and bathhouse remodeld in 1929
  • 1932

    • 1932 - Big Spring was briked and tiled, with a floating reservoir constructed from the first swimming pool. The resevoir held hot mineral water for the baths. The water level changed constantly. This area was called Siloam Spring
  • 1933

    • 1933 - Forty-Niners Room / Log Cabin Tavern
  • 1939 - 1950

    • 1939 - Louise passes away and partnership goes to Huge, Rudy and sister Annie. Bud assumes Assistant Manager
    • 1949 - Snow in Murrieta
    • 1950 - Gym was converted to theater. In the 50's the gym (now mercy room) was converted from a gym to a movie theater where movies were show on Wednesday and Sunday evenings
  • 1963

    • 1963 - Annex Hotel "American Plan" Rates were $27.50-$29.50 weekly with double occupancy with breakfast and dinner complete with private toilet and shower
  • 1970 - 1987

    • 1970 - Irvin J Kahn Purchased Property from Guenthers, builds mobile park on the hills above resort, destroys historic stone pictograph (Painted Rock)
    • 1973 - B'Nai Chaim started meeting and built a synagogue next door; because 99% of it's orginal occupants were jewish
    • 1977 - Dr Rudd, Baptist Minister, set up a cancer clearing clinic, later he was indicted for selling bogus equity interests in the springs
    • 1979 - Morris Shenker filed bankruptcy and owed 55 million to the IRS
    • 1979 - 1982 - Property Abandoned for 5 years
    • 1982 to 1987 - Alive Polarity took over as a new age retreat. No smoking, no tobacco, no alcohol, no phones. strict vegetarian diet regimen. When the commune failed in 1987, Gary Naimco of Pioneer reconstructed the loan and began to rebuild the business. He combined the healthy design of former owners and allowed liquor and marketed as a family destination
  • 1991 - 1995

    • 1991 - Naimco went into bankruptcy held a $9 million mortgage . He paid $18 million fo 47 acres in 1987, in 1991 it sold for $3.2 million
    • 1995 - CCCM purchased MHS in May for $7 million and spent over $20 million in renovation
    • 1995 - MHS opened it's doors in October for the first guests
  • 1997 - 2018

    • 1997 - Sanctuary was built right next to the lake
    • 1999 - CCBC Office built
    • 2001 - 2003 - Auditorium built
    • 2014 - CCCCMHS changed name to MHSCCC
    • 2015 - Officially changed the MHS motto from Refreshing God's Saints to Refreshing God's People
    • 2015 - Coffee shop received a facelift
    • 2017 - Coffee shop rebrand as well as Springs of Life Bookstore rebrand
    • 2018 - MHSCCC sign went up