Refreshing God's People

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or call (951) 200-8000

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How did you hear about us?

Primary Contact


Pastor contact

Statement of faith

Type of retreat

Please upload a PDF of your Statement of Faith

Number of Guests


Please upload a PDF of your Insurance Form


Q & A

Is there an additional cost for your amenities?

A: No! Parking, spa use, and all other activities are included in your stay. Everything we have to offer is at your disposal.

Where do I check in?

A: Once you arrive at our front gate, our security guards will direct you to the location where your church is registering. Our staff is knowledgeable and can help you get wherever you need to go.

Do you accommodate handicap needs?

A: Certainly! During your retreat, we have support staff standing by to take you to your destination on one of our golf carts. This service is exclusive and only offered to you.

Do you have free Wi-fi?

A: Yes! We provide each room in our lodges, as well as our meeting rooms, with Wi-Fi. Just walk up to the front desk in the Main Lobby to receive the password.

Do you provide AV/Sound equipment for meeting rooms, if so, what do you have available?

A: Yes, we do! We provide one podium microphone and speaker with your retreat. Additional AV equipment/specialized items are available for a small fee.

Are there fish in your lake, if so, do you allow fishing?

A: Yes! The lake contains bass, blue gill, and catfish. However, we only allow catch-and-release fishing.