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Grace Upon Grace

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by Faith Amargo, Social Media Manager/Graphic Designer

I’m learning time and time again to beware what you think you perceive. We look at people, situations, captions, pictures, and posts and draw shallow assumptions from our own underlying presuppositions, pre-heated emotions, and cynical attitudes. We’re so quick to withhold any chances for explanation or even a defense and we’ve already placed a verdict on what we think is true. Yeah, as human beings we can be graced with the God-given ability to have discernment regarding a circumstance, but woe to us when we claim divine justification over our own agenda to perpetuate our bitterness.

This is something that God is relentlessly working on in my own heart. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gossiped about another soul with words that were anything but edifying. There were seasons when God called to my attention deep, deep roots of bitterness that I had been tending ever so subtly because of something I misunderstood about another co-heir of Christ. There have been seasons where the Lord called me away from fellowship with certain groups because of Biblical reasons of association, but there are other times when I shrink away from certain fellowships because of the subtle lies of the enemy that creep in and keep me from linking shields with fellow soldiers of faith.

Needless to say, I’m still learning and leaning into the voice of my Shepherd, learning His commands and the sound of His beckoning. I am enthralled by the power of the Spirit to take my dead, pretentious heart and revive it to match the rhythms of mercy found in the heart of Christ.

Let me now forgive and forget the friendly fire of my fellow footmen, realize that we all have a common enemy, and allow grace to transform me and make us all one. I only want to see others how Christ sees them. I want the discernment to know how to administer grace by extending it or by interceding for it in the lives of others. It’s a shame when we have to “reject a divisive man”, but it is what God requires of us when they resist the grace of knowing the truth. Nevertheless, I don’t want to be disqualified for misrepresenting Christ by not extending my hands or neglecting to shod my feet with peace.

May I, may we all, live a life above reproach. But if ever we are misunderstood, misjudged, or even slandered based upon what is misconstrued, may the grace of God ever be our defense. Let us be reintroduced to grace moment by moment, and in selflessness extend it to those around us.

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