The dining room, built in 1904, was once illuminated with acetylene gas lights. guests passed through the office to enter the spacious and cheery dining room, where waiters were ready to serve them. The kitchen was in the rear of the building, behind the dining room.
The clang of a bell announced each of the maître d’s two sittings. Waiters always hoped their diners would arrive and decide on their men choices quickly, so the waiter could get his order placed first. It was always a challenge for the waiters to get through the first sitting, clean up, and then set up for the second sitting in just one hour. Though, the resort was known for its excellent food. Many guests would stop at the sundries counter to purchase Alka-Seltzer or another brand of antacid after overeating. Then a well-satisfied patron would often take a stroll down Murrieta Hot Springs Road.
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