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Drink of the Month

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The featured drink from The Overflowing Cup this month is a London Fog. A London Fog is super easy to make and perfect for those who don’t drink coffee! For those of you who are having a colder spring, it’s also a yummy way to stay warm!

What you will need:

  • 2 heaping scoops earl grey tea
  • 2 pumps vanilla syrup
  • 8oz steamed milk
  • 12 oz hot water
  • Large tea bag

What you will do:

  1. Scoop 2 heaping scoops of loose earl grey tea into tea bag. Tie off end and place in mug.

2. Add 2 pumps of vanilla syrup to mug.

3. Pour 12 ounces of hot water into mug.

4. Pour 8 ounces of milk into pitcher and steam.

5. Pour steamed milk into mug. Let tea steep 3 minutes.

6. Enjoy!

That’s it! Stop by The Overflowing Cup to pick up your London Fog and receive $0.25 off all month long!


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