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Drink of the Month

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This month’s featured drink from the Overflowing Cup is The Winter Blanket, a custom drink found only at the OFC! Now you can make this yummy drink at home and enjoy it all winter long!

What you will need:

  • 12 oz mug
  • 16 oz pitcher
  • 1 pump gingerbread syrup
  • 1 tbsp chai powder
  • Ground nutmeg/cinnamon spice blend
  • 12 oz milk
  • 2 oz ground coffee beans
  • Espresso machine

What you will do:

  1. Scoop one tbsp of chai into mug.

2. Add one pump of gingerbread syrup.

3. Sprinkle ground nutmeg/cinnamon blend into mug.

4. Pull espresso shot.

5. Pour shot into mug and stir.

6. Pour milk into pitcher and steam until desired temperature (typically 8-10 seconds).

7. Pour milk into mug.

8. Top beverage off with ground nutmeg/cinnamon mix.

9. Enjoy!

When you make The Winter Blanket at home, take a picture and tag #mhsretreats and @ofcmurrieta for a chance to be featured!

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