September’s featured book from Springs of Life Christian Bookstore is Word-Filled Women’s Ministry: Loving and Serving the Church, a collection of essays compiled by Gloria Furman and Kathleen B. Nielson.
In Word-Filled Women’s Ministry, respected teachers and authors such as Gloria Furman, Susan Hunt, and Nancy Guthrie go in-depth on why having a Bible-based ministry is important as well as topics ranging from bridging the intergenerational gap in the church to a woman’s role both in church and at home to sexual purity. Not only is this book a great resource for women’s ministry leaders and servants alike, it is also beneficial for men to read and know how to support their church’s women’s ministry.
“Too often do I find myself at women’s conferences, events, and meetings where all we talk about is our feelings and how special and treasured we are without studying Scripture. Don’t get me wrong, women should know that we are valued and loved by the Lord. However, the best way to teach someone about God’s love is by His own words. What I like about [Word-Filled Women’s Ministry] is that it emphasizes the fact that ministry needs to be founded on the Word of God. There is no greater comfort mankind has than the Bible, the true words spoken and written by our Lord. If our aim is to be centered on Christ in all that we do, our ministry should be, too. Through personal testimonies, letters, and essays, Word-Filled Women’s Ministry does an excellent job of exhorting its readers to pursue a ministry that is grounded in God’s Word and Gospel-centered while seeking intentional relationships within the body. I recommend this book to men and women alike.” -Beth W.
Pick up a copy of Word-Filled Women’s Ministry at Springs of Life Christian Bookstore, open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10am to 7pm and Sunday from 11am to 2pm.