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Guests of MHS

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Jacqueline and Brandy from Calvary Chapel South Bay recently joined us for their women’s retreat and were kind enough to answer a few questions.

This is your first retreat at MHS in eight years. What are you looking forward to most about being here this weekend?

Jaqueline: We’re very glad to be back. The past few years, we’ve been having our retreat at our church, but it’s not the same. We even tried a hotel but it didn’t feel like a retreat.

Brandy: Many women have mentioned how nice it is to be getting away from our church building, not because it’s bad or anything, but because it’s nice to go somewhere where we can have no distractions. The surroundings are so serene and we’re able to get away and focus only on God’s Word. We look forward to that.

The theme for your retreat this weekend is A Well-Watered Garden, taken out of the book of Isaiah. What does being a “well-watered garden” look like to you?

Jaqueline: Personally, I need to be well-watered because I’m constantly pouring out. My life is so busy. I’m the caregiver for both my parents-in-law, I homeschool my son, and I’m also a wife, so I’m in a constant state of serving. It’s nice to come here and be poured into.

Brandy: I’m in a place where I need to say, “Okay, Lord. I trust in Your plans.” I need to be pouring out, but also refreshed. There are some big decisions my husband and I need to make, and even though we’re pretty positive that He’s leading us in a certain direction, I want to know that where I’m at is where He wants me, and know what to do with that information.

Thank you, Brandy and Jaqueline, for coming on retreat with your church. We are very grateful to have served you!

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