by Aaron Sabio, On The Edge Director
Five years ago, if someone told me that I would be overseeing a youth discipleship program that would reach thousands of young adults, I would have laughed right in their face. I am daily humbled at the thought that the Lord would qualify me to directly oversee the On The Edge Ministries. Who would have thought that a selfish, spoiled, self-righteous, “pastor’s kid” would be redeemed to reach and teach youth for Jesus? The answer? God. God knew, and thankfully, He has also provided an awesome team of multi-gifted, Jesus loving, disciple-making friends to help and encourage me the ministry. So, “shout-out” to all who push me forward and run alongside me, you know who you are.
This year as I continue to move forward in all the Edge Programs (Summer and Winter) there is one thing that I will never compromise in. I will never compromise in the goal of making disciples of Jesus Christ. Our goal as a ministry is for all Edge participants, staff included, to be conformed into the image of Jesus and carry out His will. By His grace, we will continue to do this by intentionally pointing our students to God and His Word. During the summer, we will be continuing to host our two youth conferences, Power of Purity and TruthFest. I know and expect God to move mightily in us and through us as He has throughout these past years. I love seeing our students and staff fall deeper in love with Jesus and really invest in their personal relationships with Him.
If you think of us, please pray that God would faithfully call and provide for each student to join us in the summer and winter programs. I believe that when we pray, God moves on our behalf. He loves to show us His faithfulness and blow our minds as we really experience that He is more than able and willing to do things exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think. To God be all the glory!
I am ready and excited to see what God has in His heart for us this year. May His will be done above all else! And for those who have prayed and continue to pray for us, it is my prayer that God would bless you a million times over. Life “on the edge” is indeed tough, but God is forever good and faithful. I hope and pray that you chase after all that He has for you.
Watch this past summer’s recap video to learn more about On The Edge and visit the website for ways to get involved. Summer applications for this year’s program go live on March 1st!